Don’t Let Logic Get in the Way of Change

Have you had the deep desire for change and have felt like it’s impossible?  Thinking your age, now way! Or perhaps this is not what you studied in school and therefore, not realistic.  Thoughts like, I’ve been in this field too long to make that change now. Maybe you have even said others are brave, I just want to make ends meet and not be broke.  Just maybe you have forgotten when you do what you love, money follows.

There are so many ways to rationalize staying complacent and unfulfilled.  I have had many clients tell me they are “happy with the money” they are making, but so very unhappy at their jobs or bored.  We are not meant to simply exist. We are meant to thrive! How do I know this? Same as you. How do you feel when you go to a job you dislike or feel bored and unchallenged vs doing something that lights you up?  Or the thought of working in an environment doing what you really love or starting your own company? There is a huge shift in energy when looking at both feelings. This is how I know that we are meant to live our greatest lives now!

“Don’t let your logic get in the way of change”. -Pastor Yolanda Batts-Celebration Spiritual Center, BK.  I couldn’t agree more. I have found that you are not in fear of doing what you actually want to do.  Of course you’re not. If you simply think of working, doing what you love, you feel joy and excitement.  The fear comes when you think of the absence of not doing what you desire and what it will take to “get there”.  When you align yourself with what you desire, everything shifts. You meet new people that can assist you, you discover classes that you will need, you are in the right place and the right time and have an opportunity you thought was impossible, doors open.

We are constantly in alignment with fear, worry, doubt, anxiety that we have forgotten the opposite is how we are meant to live: fearlessly, confidently, joyfully, energized. Changing our perception around the idea of change begins the journey to living life abundantly. You are a light in this world with gifts of talent. Use them in a way that brings you gratification!

“Only thing we have to fear is FEAR ITSELF.” FDR

The Root of Being Unhappy at Work

My job sucks.  I really don’t like my job.  I can’t stand working there.  It’s OK. It pays the bills.  I hate my job, but it is what I know.  It’s killing me.

I find that most always it’s not the job that people are dissatisfied with, but rather themselves for staying in a position that creates disappointment and unhappiness.  Has your manager deceived you in some way? If so, I can understand the incredible unhappiness in the workplace. Most often, this is not the case.

One thing to remember is your job is your choice.  Let us look at the wording of “My Job”. It is not yours in ownership literally.  It is what you are choosing to do. The more time you put into being in a position you “can’t stand”, the deeper the root grows in your dissatisfaction.  In addition, the longer you stay at that bleak job, the harder it will be to leave.

Let us examine the upside.  You acquire skills in every position no matter if you love or hate the job.  Bank your skills and know if you grow unhappy at work, you will leave.  You’ll ultimately have the control and confidence to change that job if need be.  Knowing that you can shift to another position that is more fulfilling is staying in alignment with your ultimate goal: Happiness and Success.

We are capable adults that have the power of choice.  We must protect our happiness even if it means getting uncomfortable (switching positions or sometimes careers) to get comfortable and joyful again.  Stop assigning guilt to your situation and get moving! You can learn, you can go back to school, you can seek opportunities, you can redirect your life, you can take back your power and declare you will no longer accept a position that fosters disappointment and unhappiness.

Self-Care & the Workplace

How do you feel at work?  Are you tired and exhausted regularly?  Do you feel like you are in a dry routine without any enjoyment or minimal pleasure?  Do you often describe your energy level as drained?  Perhaps it is time to look into some self-care.

  1. Exhaustion.  This is something that I have battled with.  I even went as far as going to the doctor to check my iron because I knew something was wrong.  Turns out, I needed to simply SLEEP.  Imagine that?  Try going to sleep earlier.  I know I need about 7.5-8 hours of sleep to function the best.  Figure out your sweet spot and adjust.
  2.  Put your favorite affirmation on your screensaver.  If not that, put something on your desk that reminds you of joy and happiness.  Perhaps a picture of a loved one (or animal), a picture of a dream destination.  Anything that reminds you there is more to life than work.
  3.  Remember that your purpose in life is “LOVE” .  Your occupation is your choice. You are not your job.  It is what you do.  What happens at your job is an experience in your life.  It is not your life.
  4.  Lunchtime.  Make sure you eat healthy, balanced food and take a break to eat.  Even if you stay at work, get away from your work desk, stop and eat calmly.  Eating well will nourish the brain and body.
  5.  Take a break away from the office.  I would eat in the office break room, but would take a walk after for 10-20 minutes.  If you can, get outside. Perhaps a 10 minute break/meditation of sitting still outside?  It really helps to change the scenery.  Yes, even standing outside of the office on a busy street can clear your mind.
  6.  Rushing.  Don’t do it!  Get up 10 minutes early and arrive a bit early.  Added bonus is that it gives you a few minutes to socialize before ‘the doors open’.  Rushing causes stress.  When you feel calm you can adjust to work easily leading to a more productive day.
  7.  Leaving on time!  I know this can be the greatest challenge.  There will always be more to do.  Always.  Remember that it has been proven time and time again that leaving on time leads to better rest, less stress and in the end better work productivity the next day.  If you want to be more focused, you must leave work and take a mental and physical break.  I will repeat, it is not your life.
  8.  Fun!  Yes, you can and must have fun outside of work.  Again, your work is what you do by choice and it is not the master of your life.  You are in control.  Joyful living is one of the greatest emotions which leads to one of the most powerful life boosters: Appreciation.

Your Desires Actualized

Have you been in the position when all you can think of is having that “thing”?  It’s not a goal

(an objective, aim, target), but a desire (a strong feeling of something you want to happen) deep in your core that lights you up.  Have you thought all you want is that desire and nothing else seems to matter? Have you had the experience when you can’t stop thinking of it and you can’t understand why it’s NOT showing up in your life?

There comes a time when you realize it’s time to let go and trust what you seek will, in time, be yours.  I certainly understanding the difficulty in this principal of prosperity. How can I just let go of something I feel so sure is to be mine?  When you have the deep desire, vision and feeling of it, then it must be yours. Often, we need to let go of the how and get totally involved in the vision-feeling aspect of our desired manifestation.  We must trust that all will align to bring our manifestation into realization.

Getting Anxious?  What you are really saying when you hold on too tight is that “I don’t think this will be mine.  I am in fear that this desire will not show up”. In other words, you are not trusting the process.  For me, I get tripped up in the timeline. My timeline vs the timeline of natural order. Yes, many frustrations lie in I want it now!  However, have you considered now might not be the time to receive because you are in worry, and fear?  Perhaps there is something in your thought process that is blocking you from receiving this? Could it be that in order to receive what you desire, there is some “getting your house in order” that needs to be done first?  Life is not here to beat us down, but rather guide us on this beautiful human journey.

The beautiful poet Rumi says it best, “What you seek is seeking you”.   Try letting go a bit and holding the desire in your vision. Trust your inner guide.  If you feel anxious, doubtful, in worry simply stop and see the vision of what you want.  I know personally the difficulty in this, however, I also have had the experience of letting go and can say it always works out in all ways!

Happy at Work?

What do you love to do and are you doing it?  If not, what needs to happen in order to make it possible?  If you let go of the “yeah but…” what does your working life look like?

I had wrestled with these questions in my 20’s and early 30’s.  I know why I went to college, but it was not playing out the way I had expected.  The older I became, the louder these questions were in my mind. I had heard someone say once, “If you do what you love, the money will follow”.  Was that true?

Have you ever felt “stuck” and sort of resigned to the camp of: this is life. Or perhaps you’ve thought others have “luck” and can follow their dreams or I’m aging out of this follow your dream thing.  Years later, I realized that I was living my life small and limited. I had no idea at the time that I could actually do something I love and earn a great living.  Once I started to change how I saw my “situation”, things started to fall into place.

Living small and not in your full potential is saying “Yes to a life that blocks your creativity, mental and physical energy, and hinders inspired ideas of growth.” We all have have a “situation”.  Can you just change careers? Are you happy at work or is there something else you are being called to explore?

We are here to assist you on your journey.  Whichever path you are on: Career change, seeking a higher position within your company, applying internationally, or just need a powerful resume update, we are here to aide and support.